Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This is my life

My name is Katey.  I am 34 years old and have a wonderful husband of almost 8 years and 3 adorable children.  Emily is 6. Boden is 4 3/4, and Drew is 18 months old.  I am a photographer and have worked with and for my father for 7 years.  He owns a successful photography business called Hansen Photography (  I love what I do.  I have always loved taking pictures, even as a child.  I love looking at pictures I've taken.  It gives me great satisfaction.  I love capturing the beauty of what this life is all about.  That being said, the picture taken above was a poorly planned picture taken on Easter this year right as we were about to leave for our 3 hour trip home to Cape Cod.  The baby hadn't had a nap to speak of all day. Oops.  He had a lovely nap right after this.  This is my life! 

When I am not working, which right now is only part time, I am spending time with my youngest son and I read a lot of blogs and books about living healthy and green.  It consumes me, which is why I am going to write about it.  Right now my obsession is smoothies.  I am looking up recipes to try because I have discovered that they are the best thing EVER!  I have been drinking one every morning for about 2 weeks now and I haven't felt this good in years.

My smoothie today was this: 2 handfuls of Organic Baby Spinach
                                               A bunch of frozen strawberries and bananas
                                               Skinless apple slices (left over from making lunch this morning)
                                               1 1/2 bananas (no reason for the 1/2 other than not to waste)
                                               Almond Milk Vanilla
                                               Coconut Water
                                               2 tsp. Ground Flaxseed
                                               Drizzle of honey
                                               3 ice cubes

It was delicious and nutritious.  It was my breakfast.  I do have one cup of coffee before my smoothie.  Coffee is an addiction for me and a hard one to kick.  I used to have at least 2 cups in the morning before starting this smoothie addiction.  Now I crave my smoothie instead of a second cup :)  Yay!  I just listed my ingredients, but I don't even measure anything really.  I just throw in a little of this and a little of that.  Whatever I have I my house basically.  I don't measure the almond milk or coconut water.  So it's so easy and so good for you!  Try it please!  Yum.  My kids even love them and I have to make larger amounts so that I can have my own portion.  Otherwise there isn't much left for me.  I am trying to get my husband to get into them.  He is a non-breakfast eater, which I am reading is not a good thing.  So I may have to start my smoothies earlier so he can take one to work with him.  I should have take a picture for you to see, but my "good" camera is at the studio and I hate taking pictures with my "little" camera.  Embarrassing!   It looked green and smooth.

I feel great and would rather work out than take a nap.  This is HUGE!  After 3 kids, I thought I had been conditioned to, "nap when your baby naps", even though my baby is 18 months old now.  I got nothing done!  Now (and this is very recent) instead of napping as I did, I am cleaning the house and writing blogs (hehe).  But the point is, I feel good!  Food was my problem and I know that now.  The more good things I eat, the better my body and mind feels.  This is my revelation and I'm sticking to it.  I am excited to start living again.  I have been in a slump since having kids and now I'm going to dig myself out and share it with the world.

And this is all the introduction I can muster today because my napper is not napping any longer.  I hope to inspire others to eat healthfully so that they can feel good all around.  Are you with me?

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